Your pet is still under the care of your Veterinary practice.

We’ll be sending you an invitation to join our virtual consult, and as soon as you get there, we’ll start the video call.

After signing up, if you don’t receive an email confirmation in a few minutes, take a look at your Spam Mail folder. Oftentimes, the confirmation email will be delivered there instead of your Inbox.

What we don’t offer

  • In case of any medical emergency for your pet, we are unable to provide any advice or treatment. It is highly recommended to contact your veterinarian immediately if you think your pet is in need of emergency medical attention.*
  • Given that we are not able to physically evaluate your pet, we regret to inform you that we can only provide advice and assistance as opposed to a diagnosis.
  • Without a physical examination of your pet, we are unable to prescribe medication or give advice about the treatment plan.

* If your pet displays any of the symptoms listed below which could be life-threatening, you must contact your vet right away!

  • Open wound or significant bleeding
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Seizing/fitting
  • Collapse or trauma
  • Male cats struggling to pass urine or faeces
  • Swallowing foreign bodies such as bone/cloths/toys
  • Rabbits not eating
  • Unable to give birth
  • Swollen abdomen or retching (especially large dogs)
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhoea
  • Not eating or drinking