Triage Patients

Patient triage can be conducted to determine whether veterinary intervention is required or if remote management is sufficient

Remote Prescription

The number of prescriptions that demand the veterinarian’s careful consideration and time. Vetonlines can assist with managing this task more efficiently, so that the onsite vets don’t need to spend time on that.

Discuss Lab Results

We can engage in a discussion regarding the laboratory results with the client, including but not limited to blood test results, urine analysis findings, and histology reports.

Poisoning Cases

In the event that an animal has ingested toxic substances, we can offer guidance on the appropriate course of action to be taken.

Preventative Health

Guidance regarding dietary choices and weight management, preventive healthcare recommendations, suggestions for maintaining good dental health, as well as guidance on exercise and recreational activities for your pet

Case Discussion

We are capable of addressing any inquiries that clients may have regarding their consultation with the veterinarian.

OOH Support

Our remote veterinarian is available to assist your practice in triaging patients during hours when the clinic is closed.

Only for independent practices

Support New Graduate

We can support new graduate when they need to discuss a case and are unable to get support due to staff shortage.